The use of bipolar resectoscope ReSekto greatly reduces the risks associated with conventional monopolar systems, such as uncontrolled current
flow. With ReSekto, current flow is limited to the space
between the two electrodes placed distrally and occurs now in the surgeon's field of vision. As bipolar resection is performed under saline solution, the
risk of TUR syndrome occurrence is practically eliminated. The arrangement of the electrodes ensures outstanding incision performance and precise as well as reliable cutting and coagulation quality throughout the entire procedure. In addition, no current is discharged via the resectoscope shaft, which prevents possible thermal tissue damage due to leakage currents or damaged insulation.
The design of the ReSekto system allows simple insertion and removal
of the electrode. An ergonomic handle, easy disassembly of the instrument and the cable connection positioned
parallel to the working axis ensure efficient and safe working. All components of the ReSekto system are made of high-quality materials and easily meet modern requirements for cleanability and sterilization.
The bipolar resectoscope have a excellent cutting and coagulation performance due to narrow electrical distance between active and neutral electrode
The bipolar resectoscope have no accidental tissue coagulation by second electrode
Electrical current flow limited to the operating field